Online shopping
All visitors of the website: can make the reservation of accommodation very easily, at any time and from any location.
Each user is responsible for the accuracy of the data and their truthfulness when making a purchase. At the time of purchase, the user confirms that he is familiar with and agrees with the content of the general terms and conditions of business as well as their possible changes and additions, and that he accepts the rights and obligations that belong to him based on them. By accepting the general terms and conditions, the user declares that all the information he provided about himself are true and complete.
Terms and Conditions
These terms regulate your using of a web page Birotim d.o.o. Igmanska b.b. - (Ind. zona Unis Pretis) 71320 Vogošća, B&H (in the following text "website"). All information displayed, transmitted and contained within the website, including text, photographs, illustrations, maps / directories, articles, catalogues, previews, audio and video clips, Web applications, trademarks and other forms of information given on this website site are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, reissue, download, use or distribute by any means any material, including code, SOFTWARE and content of this website and so on. You agree to use the website in accordance with these terms of use.
Because the Internet is a medium that improves, we will, occassionaly, modify these terms of use, or introduce new items in. By using the site, you accept the modified and revised terms of website use. You cannot download any content without the permission of the or put into a frame or incorporate into another website or any other web site in any form.
Creditcard purchase security statement
Confidentiality of your information is protected and secured by using SSL encryption. Pages for web payment are secured by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol with 128-bit data encryption. SSL encryption is a data coding procedure for prevention of unauthorized access during data transfer.
This enables a secure data transfer and prevents unauthorized data access during communication between user and Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and vice versa.
Monri WebPay Payment Gateway and financial institutions exchange data by using their virtual private network (VPN) which is also protected from unauthorized access.
Monri Payments is PCI DSS Level 1 certified payment service provider.
Credit card numbers are not stored by Merchant and are not available to unauthorized personnel.
Personal data gathering and protection statement
We are committed to provide service of protection of our customer's personal data in a way that we collect only essential basic information about our buyers that are necessary for fulfilling our obligations. We also inform our customers about the way we collect information and regularly give customers an option about how their information will be used, including the possibility to decide whether their name should be included or omitted from the lists used for marketing campaigns. All user information are strictly guarded and are available only to the employees who need those information for completing the job.
All our employees and business partners are responsible to follow the principles of confidentiality protection.
Terms of purchase
These conditions determine the procedure for purchasing and paying for accommodation services offered on the site. The website can be used for your private use without any fees for use, and according to the following conditions and rules.
The seller is Birotim d.o.o , and the buyer is a site visitor who fills out an electronic order, sends it to the seller and makes payment via credit card.
The customer purchases accommodation services via an electronic order form.
Any person who electronically orders at least one service, fills in the required information and submits the order is considered a customer.
All prices are expressed in convertible marks (KM). The service is purchased electronically, by selecting a specific room and saving it in the basket. The reservation is considered complete when the customer makes the payment and receives confirmation from the hotel that his reservation has been confirmed.
For an individual purchase, the prices are valid at the time of placing the order. The images are symbolic and do not guarantee the characteristics of the product. All regular and online prices are subject to change without notice. Our team strives to publish the most up-to-date prices and detailed information. If you notice any incorrect information, you can report it on email: .
Coupons that are calculated in the cart cannot be applied to already approved maximum discounts.
Ordered products or services are paid online with one of the credit cards:MasterCard, Maestro or Visa.
Upon arrival at the hotel, the customer is obliged to check all agreed conditions and, in case of discrepancy, file in the complaint for the service. If the buyer does not receive a notification about the received order, the buyer has the right to inform the seller about it so that adequate actions can be taken.
If the customer is unable to use the paid service and notifies the seller at least 2 weeks in advance, the seller will propose another date if they are available. If the new dates are not available or the customer does not cancel at least 2 weeks in advance, the seller is not obliged to return the paid funds.
The seller commits to sending a confirmation to the buyer 48 hours after the approved online transaction. After receiving this confirmation, the customer can plan his trip.
The seller commits to provide the buyer with the room that was presented during the order and that corresponds to the description given on The picture that illustrates the available rooms in the hotel does not have to correspond to the actual appearance in all aspects, and the customer cannot file in a complaint for this.
The hotel is obliged to do everything in its power to deliver the best value for money to the customer.
Birotim d.o.o. reserves the right to change of terms and conditions. All changes will be applied to the use of the website. The customer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during the purchase. stranice. Kupac snosi odgovornost za tačnost i potpunost unesenih podataka prilikom kupovine.
The services provided by the online store do not include the costs you incur using computer equipment and services to access our site. Birotim d.o.o. is not responsible for telephone costs, internet traffic or any other costs that may arise.
Although Birotim d.o.o. strives to provide the best possible service, it cannot guarantee that the services on will meet your needs. Also, the company cannot guarantee that the use of the website will be without interruptions and difficulties. If an error occurs, please report it to the email: so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible.
Currency conversion statement
All payments will be effected in BiH currency. The charged amount on your credit card account is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations
Data entering
By accepting these terms of use you obligate that when shopping you will enter your accurate information, not information that is inaccurate in any shape or form. Also, you obligate that you will strive to maintain the accuracy of your information given to the website, and to report any possible changes in this regard. We also reserve the right to deny the possibility of using our website to those users who violate these terms of use.
How to use website?
You can use our website only for the purpose for which it is intended. You must not use our website in a manner that may cause any damage to other users. You understand that you are the only fully responsible for the way you use our website, and for any consequences that may arise from the manner of use. You may not copy or re-sell any part of our website, or use our website for any unauthorized commercial purpose. You accept that the content of our websites are computer programs also that allow its operation and are owned by a website and protected by copyright law. You agree not to modify, copy, pirate, trying to discover the computer code, or use in any unauthorized commercial purpose any part of our website or our computer (Web) program. Also, you obligate that you will not make unauthorized websites or computer programs based on any part of our website, or our computer programs.
Denying the right to use of the website
You accept that we may deny you the right to use our website under certain conditions. Reasons for such possible action include violation of these Terms of Use. You accept that we have every right to deny you the right to use our website if we deem it necessary, and you accept that in such a case we bear no liability to you.
Website and data security
Attempting to access parts of our website that you do not have the right to access is strictly prohibited, as well as attempting to disrupt or slow down the operation of our website; attempt of deletion or modification of information posted by other users; attempt to search our website's database illegally. If there is an attempt to breach the security of our website and data, we will investigate them thoroughly, and if found relevant, we will contact representatives of the judicial authorities. Those who violate the security of our website and data may be subject to criminal liability.
You accept laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which protects copyright and related rights, as well as other laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina regulating this matter. Disclaiming and discharging responsibilities you understand that you are using our website at your own risk, as it is given, and when it is active. We do not give any warranty in connection to our website and we disclaim any liability, implicit or explicit, related to your use of our web stranice. We do not give any warranty that our website will be available without interruption, be secure, or with no errors. Finally, we do not give any warrranty that the potential mistakes on our website will be corrected. You accept that we in no case will not bear any responsibility for any damage or loss that may occur to you because: (a) your use of our website or the inability to use our website; (b) unauthorized access to your data or unauthorized changes of your data; (c) actions of other users of our website; (d) anything else related to our website. You agree to resolve the website and website staff of any liability, including attorneys' fees, in case of a lawsuit or any other legal action done by a third party resulting from your use of our website or your violation of these terms of use.
Disclaimer and Release of Liability
You understand that you use our website at your own risk, as provided and when it is active. We do not give you any guarantee related to our website and we disclaim all liability, implicit or explicit, related to your use of our website. We make no guarantee that our website will be available uninterrupted, secure or error-free. Finally, we make no guarantee that potential errors on our website will be corrected.
You agree that in no event shall we be liable for any damage or loss you may suffer as a result of:
- Your use of our website or inability to use our website;
- actions of other users of our website;
- anything else related to our website.
You agree to indemnify the website and the website employees from any liability, including attorneys' fees, in the event of a lawsuit or any other legal action brought by a third party caused by your use of our website or your violation of these terms of use.
Trademark information
The website is a trademark of Birotim Ltd. Sarajevo. You agree that you must not in any way use these trademarks without the prior written permission of the website.
Report of the violation of terms and conditions
Please report any violation of these terms of use by third parties on e-mail to the following
General information
These terms of the constitute the entire agreement between you and the website, which governs your use of our services. These terms and conditions, as well as the relationship between you and the website are governed by the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina. If any part of these terms of use is declared invalid by a competent court, all other parts of these Terms of Use will remain current and valid. The condition for the use of this website is acceptance of these terms.